Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekly Update Sept. 30, 2012

What a beautiful weekend! I hope everyone had the opportunity to enjoy it.....we will experience fall and winter soon!

You should have received a letter and information regarding head lice. Please be aware that there have been several cases reported in the school. Check your child regularly for nits to ensure that they are nit free. Please notify the school if you discover lice or nits to continue our precautions to rid the school of this vigilant pest. The following is a website (recommended by the Regional Health Authorities) with additional information on lice.

ELA--The students will be completing their All About Me Project this week. The due date for this project will be October 5, Friday.

Religion--Students have been working on their banner to present in chapel on Oct. 5.

Math--Gr. 7--are completing Ch.1 on Graphing and Transformations. They will have their test Wed. or Thurs. this week.

Math--Gr. 8--completed Ch.1 with a test that will be returned to them for signing tomorrow. They have begun Ch. 2 on Ratios, Rates and Proportions.

SS--We continued to work on time zones and will be planning a trip using time zones and flights. Students also started looking on ecozones.

Science--Students continue to work on ecosystems and the environment.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Oct. 1--Lunch Lady Lunch
Oct. 3--Shops p.m., NO CHAPEL, Pastor Schnarr Away
Oct. 5--Chapel Service, Book Orders Due, Pizza Day
Oct. 8--Thanksgiving Monday, No School
Oct. 12--Shops p.m.
Oct. 19--No School, SAGE
Oct. 22--Shops p.m.
Oct. 30--Shops p.m., Nelson McIntyre Early Dismissal
Nov. 3--Fall Supper & Auction
Nov. 7--Shops p.m.
Nov. 9--No School Admin.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekly Update Sept. 23, 2013

Welcome Fall!

Please make sure to return the student forms that you received the first week of school. These forms will enable your child to participate in Intra-murals as well as use the technology lab. Please also return a signed copy of the IPod use letter sent home with your child on Friday. A copy is attached for you.

The students will participate in a Terry Fox Walk at the school on Sept. 27 at 1:00. Students should wear their school shirts for this event. All are welcome to join us.

ELA--Students have a spelling test on Monday, the first of the year. The students have been working on their All About Me Project. Three rough drafts were due on Friday, four more will be due on Tuesday. The due date for this project will be the first week of October.

Religion--Students will be working on their banner to present in chapel on Oct. 5.

Math--Gr. 7--are working on Ch.1 on Graphing and Transformations. They will complete the chapter this week with a test at the end of the week.

Math--Gr. 8--will be completing the chapter review for Ch. 1 on Representing Data on Graphs and will have a test on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

SS--We started working on our first cluster, World Geography. We have worked with atlases this week and will be talking about time zones and planning a trip using time zones and flights.

Science--Students continue to work on ecosystems and the environment.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Sept. 25--Shops p.m. Early Dismissal at Nelson McIntyre. Please arrange pick up at BSLS for 3:15 or 2:48 at Nelson McIntyre.
Sept. 26--Pizza Order Forms Due
Sept. 27--Terry Fox Walk @ 1:00, BSLS. Students wear school shirts
Sept. 28--Two Reader Responses Due
Oct. 1--Lunch Lady Lunch
Oct. 3--Shops p.m., NO CHAPEL, Pastor Schnarr Away
Oct. 5--Chapel Service
Oct. 8--Thanksgiving Monday, No School

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekly Update Sept. 16, 2012

The students are settling in well into a new school year. They should have brought home their school photo information for you to place your order online for photos. Any questions you might have can be answered by contacting Ryan David Photography directly, either phone or email.

Please make sure to return the student forms that you received a week ago in a folder back to the school. These forms will enable your child to participate in Intra-murals as well as use the technology lab.

ELA--We have started or routine for the year. Students will be working on weekly grammar, vocabulary, spelling sheets with a spelling test every two weeks. They have written a summer summary, have completed an in class reader response and we have talked about "Filling Buckets". I will be handing out an All About Me Project on Monday for the students to complete. No Due Date yet but likely it will take them two weeks to complete.

Math--Gr. 7--started Ch.1 on Graphing and Transformations. They will have at least one quiz this week.

Math--Gr. 8--started Ch. 1 on Representing Data on Graphs. They will also have at least on quiz this week.

SS--We started working on our first cluster, World Geography. We will be studying Map Projections, Latitude, Longitude, etc. this week.

Science--Students started studying ecosystems and the environment.

French--Basic Review of colors and verbs.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Sept. 17--Shops p.m., Lunch Lady Orders Due
Sept. 19--PIP Meeting @ 6:30 @ BSLS
Sept. 20--Running Club begins @ 3:30Sept. 25--Shops p.m.
Sept. 28--Two Reader Responses Due
Oct. 1--Lunch Lady Lunch
Oct. 3--Shops p.m., NO CHAPEL, Pastor Schnarr Away
Oct. 5--Chapel Service
Oct. 8--Thanksgiving Monday, No School

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Welcome Back

I hope the start of school has gone well for your families.

We have just done the basics in class and will start into all of our subjects full swing next week. Shops is tomorrow afternoon. The students will walk down to Nelson McIntyre as a group. They will be dismissed at 3:47. Please make arrangements with your child as to where you will meet them for pick-up. There will be a group of students walking back to school as they are in after school care. I will double check with the students tomorrow morning to make sure they know where you will meet them after they are dismissed from Shops.

Rally Sunday will be on Sunday, Sept. 9 at 10:00 a.m. at Beautiful Savior Lutheran School. A barbecue will follow that is hosted by Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. Families are asked to bring a dessert for this function. I hope to see you there.

Have a great weekend! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Sept. 7--Shops p.m.
Sept. 9--Rally Sunday @ BSLS @ 10:00 a.m.
Sept. 14--Picture Day, Book Order Due